Friday, May 2, 2008

Importance of AUM

Aum (also Om) is a mystical or sacred syllable in the Hindu, Jain and Buddhist religions.

It is placed at the beginning of most Hindu texts as a sacred exclamation to be uttered at the beginning and end of a reading of the Vedas or previously to any prayer or mantra and also is said in the beginning of any puja (religious ritual).


The sound Aum should be in the way

“A” – 2 seconds
"U” – 4 seconds
“M” - 8 seconds

After doing this several times (may be 5 minutes) in a calm place, any one can feel the difference before and after.

This is the origin of the universe and having great powers.


Aum sound is complex of sound waves, these waves will generate vibrations, so that it will move all of your body.

Daily 15 minutes of this practice will cure so much of illness inside and surrounding atmosphere too.